Barcode Validation on ChronoScan Tips and Tricks

There are several ways to create validation rules on ChronoScan. On this video we will learn how to implement some scripting to create a somewhat simple validation rule for a barcode reading field.

The most important function for that effect is the OnValidate scripting section found on the properties for any field on your ChronoScan setup:
  • Right click on a data field on the Form view;
  • Click on Properties;
  • The properties for that field will open up on the Properties Panel;
  • On the Properties Panel scroll down to the Scripting section and click on the gear icon for the OnValidate field to open the VBScript editor for the OnValidate event.
The script is the following one:
If Left(UserField_Extra.value, 4) = "DONE" Then
     UserField_Done.value = "true"
     UserField_Difference.value = "false"
End If

If Left(UserField_Extra.value, 4) = "DIFF" Then
     UserField_Done.value = "false"
     UserField_Difference.value = "true
End If
The logic is very simple and is making sure that it is known which value the barcode reading field Extra have. Some extra lines could be added to make sure there is a error on the field should it doesn't assume either the values "DIFF" or "DONE" but with barcode reading the error margin is very broad as hardly a barcode is not readable on document of that nature. 

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